Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Obligatory intro post

Hello all! Welcome to my create-a-character-thon blog.

The goal of this blog is to create a character for every single RPG that I own, just as a fun little exercise, and then share the results with you fine readers. It gives me an excuse to look through the stuff I've collected over the half-decade or so i've been roleplaying and I just happen to enjoy the process. I've seen a few other blogs dedicated to this over the net and thought I'd have a go myself.

So this isn't simply a self indulgent time-waster, I'll also give a little review of each game I make a character for as I go along. Every gamer loves voicing their opinions and I'm certainly no exception (okay, so maybe it is pretty much self-indulgent).

I plan to make character creation, at least as far as initial concepts go, as random as possible. There's just something delightful about not knowing what you're going to begin with and then watching how the character evolves from a few key descriptors and stats.

As far as order goes, I'm going to start with my D20 games (including a few Polyhedron mag. minigames) then move onto New World of Darkness (one character for each supernatural) and just whatever other games take my fancy.

First character, for Dungeons and Dragon 3.5, will be up soon.



Owen said...

Make a gnome quick before they're all gone!

Mr Finn said...

this isn't necessarily directed at you, but I honestly don't understand why there's so much fuss over the gnome not being in the 4th edition PHB. They're there, just in the MM. One of the playtesters has a gnome warlock fchrsit sake!