Friday, February 15, 2008

Character 7: Omega World

Name sound a little familiar? There's probably a good reason for that. Omega World is the Polyhedron mini-adaptation of Gamma World, D20's game of crazy mutations and survival in a post-apocalyptic world. It debuted in Polyhedron #153 and unfortunately saw no further expansion, probably due to the fact that it was based on an existing game.

Omega world is great if you love random character generation, thanks to the mutation tables. It's quite possible to create a walking god with almost 50 strength or an armless, clumsy moron with fur who can see in the dark. It's definitely not a game that lends itself well to party balance, but roleplaying a party of freaks as they trek across America could be good for an evening where you've got nothing better to play.

You've got five kinds of character. Pure strain humans are better with tech and start of with more levels but don't get the fun mutations (or defects for that matter). Mutated humans are probably the most common characters while furries, clickies and scalies get ability score adjustments and stock mutations as well as standard mutations.

I rolled 1d6 to determine my race and got a Furry. Furries get the free fur and low-light vision mutations and bonuses to con and dex, though they aren't very intelligent. My ability scores were as follows:

9, 14, 16, 18, 12, 13

Now, let's hit those mutation tables!

Snoople;Furry explorer 2; Medium humaoid (furry); HD2d10+6; hp 24; Init+2; Spd 50ft; AC 17 (touch 12, flat-footed 15); Base Atk +1; Grap +3; Atk +3 melee (3d6+3 vibro blade), +3 ranged (1d6+2 spear); SA telekinesis 5/day (CL 5th); SQ low-light vision, cold resistance 5, extra arm; AL Curious; Svs Fort+13, Ref+3, Wil+4; str 14 dex 14 con 16 int 7 wis 13 cha 16

:Jump+32, Psychic attack+8, Survival+6
Feats:Superior mutation (telekinesis)x2, Relic weapon group proficiency (melee weapons)

Amazing fortitude, Extra arm, Fur, Low-light vision, Spring legs, Telekinesis
Defects:Poor respiratory, Sensetivity to fire, Reduced dexterity, Heightened metabolism, Partial actions only

Vibro blade, 2 good spears, Leather armour, Small shield, Camping gear, 3 weels rations

Poor Snoople here had better hope any fights he gets into don't last long. He gets fatigued after 5 rounds thanks to his poor respiratory system and can only take partial actions! Fortunately, he's lucky enough to possess a kickass relic weapon, and has the power of telekinesis to back him up!

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